youth development programs
trekking / camping / mindset
Growing the Future
As parents it’s difficult to know how to help our teens through this period. Allow us to become an important tool in your arsenal to empowering your young people into the best versions of themselves.
Our youth development programs are personal development aimed at the transitional age groups where young people are navigating their way through the ever-confusing landscape from childhood to adulthood.

11-17 YRS – boys
Camps from overnight to one week and overseas blending adventure and personal development to immerse boys and young men in an experience that will embed key messages around communication, personal standards, working in teams with and for others and the importance of taking control of your own life and not just following the crowd.

11-17 YRS – girls
Aella was the fierce Amazon Warrior notorious for wielding a double-edged sword in Greek mythology. This beautiful name means ‘whirlwind.’
Aella was commenced with the aim to empower and educate girls and women on how to be resilient, build confidence and gain self- respect through mindset and adventure.
Aella runs girls only camps and adventures but also girl-centric camps and adventures where girls can bring the strong male influences in their lives – dads, brothers, partners etc. The focus is still on the girls themselves growing stronger through mindset and adventure however allows them to bring those close to them in order that they can understand and grow with them.

be informed. be inspired.
Download our Youth Development Program Prospectus
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