personal development experiences
immerse yourself
Here you will find information and access to a series of Personal Development events from 1-2 hour seminars, key notes and presentations to fully immersive experiences that will take you deep into topics like Goal Setting, Action Plans, Fitness & Mindset Courses and much more. All upcoming events will be posted here so check back regularly.

high performance getaway
A four day immersive and interactive experience designed to take you through a systemized and workable models to help you achieve your biggest goals and dreams.
This program includes group sessions, personal mentoring sessions, physical activities and down time to allow you the space and time to work on the key messages and apply them to your own situation. You will leave this getaway with very clear strategies to make the necessary adjustments in any area of life you choose.

mindset & motivation summit
This two day intensive experience will give you all of the base structure to not only refine, refresh and refocus your mindset but to also give you the time to allow those messages to take hold.
This program includes group sessions and then down time to apply those messages. You will leave this program with a heap of notes that you’ve taken from the sessions but also your own personal notes from each workshop as to how these lessons can be applied in your day to day life.
Workshops & Seminars
We run a series of one to two hour workshops and seminars covering a variety of Personal Development topics.
These are bite sized chunks that allow you grab information and apply it or to reinforce messages you have covered previously. We all need this reinforcement and accountability as a check in to keep us on track towards our goals and dreams.
Check back regularly see what’s on offer each month.

- All
- Bro Camp One
- Bro Camp Two
- Bro Camp Three
- Aella Camp One
- Aella Camp Two
- Aella Camp Three
- Personal Development

be informed. be inspired.
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