solid human foundation
mission / vision / philosophy
We aim to Build Better Humans. To give people the self-belief and self-confidence that they can achieve anything with the right mindset and the right team behind them.
We empower people to believe they can achieve anything and then give them the tools to make that a reality.

To be a place people come when they need strength, guidance or a positive reinforcement.
To create a space both virtually and physically where people come together and lift each other up, support each other’s goals and dreams, empower others and never focus on the success of ourselves over someone else as being the goal.
We follow the philosophy of UBUNTU which means “I am, because you are”. The word ubuntu is part of a Zulu phrase which literally means that a person is a person through other people. Ubuntu is a concept of common humanity, oneness: humanity, you and me both.
It means I succeed only if you also succeed. We’re not in competition. Just because you succeed it doesn’t mean there’s less success for me.
We want to celebrate the people around us and what they’re good at. We want you to be your best self and feel comfortable that that’s ok.
We offer Personal Development through the
Four Pillars of the Solid Human Foundation.
For us this is about putting as much good information into your head as possible. In today’s society we constantly consume negativity especially through the media, social media etc. This is often done subconsciously so we’re not even aware of it. It’s everywhere. The Building Better Humans Project it’s our belief that the more good stuff we can put in, the less room there is for the negative stuff.
02. Planning
Often we find ourselves not happy with something in our life or where we’re at but the truth is we have no idea where we’d like to e or what we’d like to be happening in our lives.
We know what we don’t want without giving much thought to what we do want. Clarity precedes success. Planning is about gaining clarity to ensure we know the path we want to be on and can then recognize sooner when we get off track.
03. fitness
This is an encompassing pillar of both physical and mental health. Anything we want to experience or achieve in our lifetime will be limited only by our physical and mental capacity to achieve it. Whilst we don’t feel that everyone has to be an athlete we do believe that we should feel good physically and be able to carry out the most basic task in life.
04. adventure
It is our belief that adventure is the best form of personal development you can experience. Even more than that, Adventure is an experience and in life you can ever un-experience something which means experiences are one thing that can never be taken off us.
We offer personal development through single and multi-day adventures and experiences. This allows us to take a theory and embed it into an a life lesson which is extremely powerful.
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